Ablyakimova Elvina Arneson (Candidate of law, senior lecturer, Crimean branch of the federal state budget institution "Russian state University of justice»)
This article consideres the norms of the strategic planning documents of the Russia on the areas of public administration of land relations. The classification of these documents into general and special is proposed, their qualitative elaboration is noted. In order to improve the implementation of their provisions in practice, it is proposed to study the foreign experience of public administration of land relations, taking into account the norms of the international agreements, the observance with the environmental imperative and the increasing legal liability measures for officials whose powers include the matters of the regulation of land relations.
Keywords:land relations, land resources, public administration, strategic planning, legal responsibility
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Citation link: Ablyakimova E. A. Program documents as the basis of public administrirovanie land relations in Russia // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№09. -С. 90-93 |