Tolmachev Alexander Sergeevich (Postgraduate srudent, BSTU «VOENMEH» after by D.F.Ustinov)
Kuksenok Daniil Sergeevich (Postgraduate srudent, BSTU «VOENMEH» after by D.F.Ustinov)
The article provides an analysis of possible solutions to the problem of self-organization of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles, in a situation of lack of communication both with the command post and between swarm agents. The description of possible control algorithms in conditions of high interference is presented, the simulation of the swarm operation during the study of the territory and the loss of communication with one or more agents is implemented. The main stages of self-organization of swarm agents when working offline are highlighted. Approaches are described that increase the efficiency of swarming in the tasks of studying the territory when observing dynamic objects and the absence of an expert observer.
Keywords:swarm intelligence, artificial intelligence, interference, vision system, control algorithm, territory research.
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Citation link: Tolmachev A. S., Kuksenok D. S. Controlling a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles in high interference conditions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№11/2. -С. 157-162 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.11-2.33 |