Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Tokurenova Balzhit Nimayevna  (associate professor Transbaikal State University (Chita) )

Luan Tyansyan   (Postgraduate student Transbaikal State University (Chita) )

This article discusses the Chinese oil painting market in the context of China’s reforms and openness to Western culture. The market positioning of neoclassical painting and its development trends in the Chinese painting market are also analyzed. Contemporary neoclassical style painting pays special attention to understanding and respecting traditional culture and history, and incorporates new painting art forms and modes of expression, creating more colorful works of art. Neoclassical style painting not only has traditional aesthetic characteristics, but also incorporates modern aesthetic concepts and expressions, and has a strong sense of modernity and spirituality. The article presents the reasons and features of the formation of painting in the neoclassical style in China. Through the analysis and research of neoclassical style paintings, this paper deepens the understanding of the development of contemporary Chinese art, the characteristics of the fusion and dialog between Chinese and foreign culture and art, which is especially important in the modern era.

Keywords:modern Chinese painting, neoclassical style, Western culture, traditional culture, new painting art forms, Chinese market of oil painting


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Citation link:
Tokurenova B. N., Luan T. MODERN OIL PAINTING OF CHINA: NEOCLASSICAL STYLE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2025. -№01. -С. 25-28 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2025.01.16
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