Baziev Djabrail Harunovich (CJSC "Management company Svetovit")
In 1911, a Dutch researcher H. Kamerlingh Onessu first time succeeded in liquid helium, and from that time he became a central subject in the study of processes occurring at low temperatures. By the mid-twentieth century, scientists have concluded that liquid helium at a temperature of Тλ=2,17К undergoes a phase transition of the 2nd kind and in this state it becomes a superfluid and superconducting fluid.
This article analyzes the physical properties of liquid helium in the framework of a unified theory of physics (ETF) and show that kriofiziki not figured out the properties of the gas.
Keywords:liquid helium, properties, physics, kriofizika
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Citation link: Baziev D. H. The properties of liquid helium in a unified theory of physics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2012. -№03. -С. 3-19 |