Sarkisyan Kristina Chorenovna (Pyatigorsk branch of the Volgograd state medical university)
Ivashev Michail Nikolaevich (Pyatigorsk branch of the Volgograd state medical university)
Maslikova Galina Viktorovna (Pyatigorsk branch of the Volgograd state medical university)
Amino acids possess an important role in modern pharmacology. They not only are structural elements of proteins and other endogenous connections, but also have great functional value. In our work investigated anti-hypoxemic action of a complex aminokislotny preparation cerebrolizinа on model of a circulator hypoxia. It is established that cerebrolizin possesses the expressed anti-hypoxemic activity at course preventive appointment.
Keywords:cerebrolizin, ethacyzin, captopril, antihypoxia activity
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Citation link: Sarkisyan K. C., Ivashev M. N., Maslikova G. V. Antihypoxical effect of cerebrolizin // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2012. -№12. -С. 37-39 |