Shamilina Elena I. (head. chemical-toxicological department Phi liala Institutions Khanty-Mansiysk "Veterinary Laboratory" "Surgut Interregional Veterinary Laboratory")
Chemalitdinova Rasim A. (head. diagnostic department branch agencies Khanty-Mansiysk "Veterinary Laboratory" "Surgut Interregional Veterinary Laboratory" )
Kuyarov Alexander V. (MD, Professor of Physiology, Medical College of the State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education "Surgut State University Hansiyskogo Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District")
Saygusheva Lydia A. (MD, associate professor, senior researcher at the research laboratory "Clinical and Experimental Pathology" State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education "Surgut State University, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra")
Of the question of the bacteriological safety assessment of raw meat and meat products produced and exported to the industrial areas of Khanty-Mansiysk. Found that in the region annually imports up to 30% of non-standard feature on bacteriological meat. In the samples from local raw meat identification and UPM QMAFAnM considerably less than imported meat raw. In the pork over beef to identify if there is a larger sample. Detection of non-standard samples of meat products produced in the region during the study period ranged from 4.8% to 35.0% and depended on the method of processing raw materials, with a particular season during the year. To a lesser extent UPM identified in cooked and smoked meat products.
Keywords:bacteriological evaluation, raw meat, meat products
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Citation link: Shamilina E. I., Chemalitdinova R. A., Kuyarov A. V., Saygusheva L. A. Bacteriological safety assessment myasoprodkutov meat raw materials and manufactured and imported in industrial district Khanty-Mansiysk // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2012. -№12. -С. 3-8 |