Grishin E. V. (Head of the Laboratory UGNTU)
The need for fast commissioning of the “Vankor field - pumping station Purpe” in conjunction with a partial violation of welding technology welding operations has led to a decrease in quality of completed welds, which was the cause of defects in welded joints and around suture zones. That’s why the task of determining the resource effi ciency of the pipeline with possible defects in welds becomes highly relevant. Examining the impact of the uneven distribution of stress concentration in the area of the weld and heat affected zone, made manual arc welding, using a theoretical calculation.
Keywords:pipeline “Vankor field - NPC purpe”, welded joints, electric arc welding
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Citation link: Grishin E. V. The influence of defects in welds on the efficiency of the main pipeline “Vankor field - pumping station Purpe” // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2013. -№11-12. -С. 7-11 |