Staroverov I. N. (Yaroslavl State Medical Academy)
Lonchakova O. M. (Yaroslavl State Medical Academy)
The results of a survey of 365 patients who required the re-reconstructive operations on the main arteries of the lower limbs. The use of a method of time endoluminal balloon occlusion (VVBO) one of the factors, influencing on obliterating complications of reoperations on the arteries of lower limbs.
Keywords:restenosis, time endoluminal balloon occlusion
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Citation link: Staroverov I. N., Lonchakova O. M. The use of a method of time endoluminal baloon occlusion after reoperations on main arteries of lower limbs // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2014. -№05-06. -С. 59-64 |