‘’PNEUMATIC TRANSPORT’ Co Ltd “Installation for pneumatic transport intended for powder and discrete materials taken from bunkers” № 2534667 has been developed and patented. The installation operates applying the principle of piston pneumatic transport.
The possibility to transport a broad spectrum of powder, discrete and lump materials of organic and nonorganic origin, and food products in a wide range of output per hour and delivery distance has been demonstrated in the paper. The adaptation procedures of the installation to any equipment in different flowsheets have been developed. The results of experimental determination of the process variables of the transportation process, realized on three production units are presented here. The computing method of the process variables based on the experimental and calculation data and their interdependence for the units applying the principle of piston pneumatic transport is put forward. Comparison between the process variables of different transportation processes is given in the paper.
Keywords:pneumatic transport, piston and pneumoimpulsive transport, pneumatic transport for loose materials, designing of pneumatic transportation, calculation of the transportation process variables, pneumatic transport systems.