Kunina Polina Semenovna (FHBOU VPO "Kubanskyy hosudarstvennyy tehnolohycheskyy University" Krasnodar g, st. Moscow 2)
Bratchenko Irina Viktorovna (direktor LLC «GrandEkspertInzhenering» Krasnodar g, st. Kozhevennaya, d. 40, of.1 )
Paranuk Aramby Aslanovich ( Ph.D. assistant to ONGP FHBOU VPO "Kubanskyy hosudarstvennyy tehnolohycheskyy University" Krasnodar g, st. Moscow 2)
Kostin Sergey Pavlovich (head otdela LLC «GrandEkspertInzhenering» Krasnodar g, st. Kozhevennaya, d. 40, of.1 )
Chernova Yulia Nikolaevna (head otdela LLC «GrandEkspertInzhenering» Krasnodar g, st. Kozhevennaya, d. 40, of.1 )
Klimova Natalya Yurevna (main inzhener LLC «GrandEkspertInzhenering» Krasnodar g, st. Kozhevennaya, d. 40, of.1 )
Kovalyov Yury Serafimovich (head otdela North Caucasian management of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision , Krasnodar g, st. Odesskaya, 42)
The paper discusses the concepts of interrelations complex technical system, as a basis for the study of its technical condition, as well as structural elements of the interaction representation and communication of events with input out-put characteristics, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in the event of a failure or accident-prone situations. The proposed concepts interre-lationships of complex technical systems, as a basis for the study of its tech-nical condition, applied in a compressor station, allow troubleshoot gas-pumping equipment. For the application of the proposed schemes need to study the state of a complex system and the division into subsystems (com-plexes, aggregates) and elements (or parts). Since the gas-pumping equipment is a complex technical system of proper operation, which depends on performance of individual compressor stations.
Keywords:structural analysis, input factors, system noise, flexible, hard
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Citation link: Kunina P. S., Bratchenko I. V., Paranuk A. A., Kostin S. P., Chernova Y. N., Klimova N. Y., Kovalyov Y. S. Examination of technical state complex systems by sequential structural analysis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№07-08. -С. 7-13 |