Nigay Alexander Trofimovich (director of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Noskov Sergey Yurievich (deputy director for examination of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Gorbatov Igor Nikolaevich (expert of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Gerasimov Valery Alexandrovich (expert of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Zarva Andrey Alexandrovich (expert of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Ensuring safe the exploitaion of pipelines for oil and gas is a key task, which is regulated at the legislative level. Pipelines are very responsible types of objects, as experienced by a serious deterioration due to exposure to intense corrosion, abrasive media and other factors. An important measure to ensure industrial safety of pipelines is their technical diagnostics. In this paper, the basic aspects of technical diagnostics of pipelines in the oil and gas industry were treated. The issues related to the specifics of the industry and conduction of diagnostics were analyzed. Thus, the technical diagnostics in the oil and gas industry is a very important procedure that allows to evaluate the technical condition of pipelines and their residual lifetime. Development of new methods of technical diagnostics of objects in the oil and gas industry will significantly improve the safety and reduce the number of accidents in the industry.
Keywords:technical diagnostics, oil and gas industry, pipelines.
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Citation link: Nigay A. T., Noskov S. Y., Gorbatov I. N., Gerasimov V. A., Zarva A. A. Technical diagnostics of pipelines in the oil and gas industry // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№11. -С. 66-67 |