Lepikhina O. Y. (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) (Saint-Petersburg))
Bogdanova A. Y. (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) (Saint-Petersburg))
The database model of the unified information system formed to ensure activities of the Saint-Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Municipal government of inventory and assessment of real estate" implemented on the basis of DBMS Microsoft Access. All the necessary standard stages have been passed during creation, as well as the economic efficiency of the developed database model have been analyzed.
Keywords:information system, database, the Saint-Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "GUION", conceptual model, Entity-Relationship model, physical data model.
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Citation link: Lepikhina O. Y., Bogdanova A. Y. Development of the information system of ensuring activities of the state unitary enterprise database model "municipal government of inventory and assessment of real estate" of St. Petersburg // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№12. -С. 71-77 |