Sedova N. A. (Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoi (Vladivostok))
Sedov V. A. (Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoi (Vladivostok))
The model assessing the emergency level based on the theory of fuzzy sets and which consists of three input linguistic variables and one output is presented. The model is taking the account information about the health or life dangers, on the extent of ship damage and the level of pollution. The fuzzy sets corresponding to the term of these linguistic variables, their analytical and graphical view are represented. The fuzzy product base contains 80 fuzzy rules.
Keywords:fuzzy logic, linguistic variable, fuzzy set, emergency level.
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Citation link: Sedova N. A., Sedov V. A. The logical - linguistic model for assessing of the emergency level // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№02. -С. 65-69 |