Semenyutina Victoria Alexeevna (Scientific Research agroforestry institute, Volgograd)
Svintsov Igor Petrovich (Scientific Research agroforestry institute, Volgograd)
Evaluation of ecological plasticity of large-fruited (Ta Yang Zhao, South-erner), the average-fruited (Friendship, figs), small-fruited (Temryuk, So-chi) varieties of Zizyphus jujuba in the Lower Volga. In drought condi-tions (ambient temperature 40 ° C, relative humidity 15%) according to the degree of drought tolerance identified three groups: high (1,6-1,98); medium (3.1-3.6); low (4.2-4.7). An increase xeromorphic (thickening of the lamina and cell walls of the epidermis) plants, as an important indica-tor of their adaptation. Ranking phenological dates with varying degrees of dimension revealed little resistant among varieties and hardier, the den-drogram of similarity grades Zizyphus jujuba on the level of adaptation to low temperatures showed that with age comes the adaptation of plants to extreme conditions of existence. Are offered a wide variety of applications and limited: large-fruited - for private gardening and farming; the average-fruited - for landscaping purposes. Recommended for small-fruited plants degraded landscapes while creating green areas in the suburban areas, to cover the dry southern slopes, the creation of hedges and group plantings.
Keywords:adaptation, Zizyphus jujuba, drought resistance, winter hardiness, ecological flexibility, limiting factors, degraded landscapes
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Citation link: Semenyutina V. A., Svintsov I. P. Analysis of ecological plasticity varietal diversity zizyphus jujuba in the northern border cultivation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№05. -С. 6-11 |