Yakushkin Ivan Pavlovich (Student of industrial ecology
National Research University of Electronic Technology, Russia, Moscow
Today's high resolution technology is becoming a new trend thermographic nondestructive testing. This requires the development of fast and accurate techniques and post-processing for thermal imaging techniques. This study presents a method of analysis and evaluation of the heat flow through the surface in the building envelope. The method of calculating the estimation error of the heat flow statistical modeling on a personal computer. Similarly, the analytical method used for calculation of the heat flow error. These solutions enable high-precision into account the amount of heat loss, thereby reducing heat emissions into the atmosphere and increase the efficiency of heat consumption systems.
Keywords:Non-destructive thermal control, infrared diagnostics, heat loss, envelope, thermal protection, error.
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Citation link: Yakushkin I. P. Determination of accuracy of the estimate of the heat flow through the building envelope // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№05. -С. 19-22 |