Arunyants G. G. (Kaliningrad State Technical University)
Voronin T. A. (Kaliningrad State Technical University)
analysis results of a condition of regulatory issues of activities of subjects of the heatsupplying complex of the Kaliningrad region and the main ways of increase of ef-ficiency of activities of his subjects, including questions of the automated forming of rates for development, transportation and transfer of heat energy are given. The spe-cial attention is paid to a problem of the automated accounting of thermal losses in case of production and transfer of heat energy
Keywords:heat supply, thermal networks, thermal losses, a rate, a method of calculation of rates, tariff regulation, the automated information system, a program complex, algo-rithm, information support, program providing
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Citation link: Arunyants G. G., Voronin T. A. About the accounting of thermal losses at the automated formation of tariffs in system of regulation of activity of the heatsupplying complex of the Kaliningrad region // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№08. -С. 56-62 |