Zaitseva I. (Yelets State Ivan Bunin University, Lipetsk oblast)
The article is dedicated to the study of errors of an algorithm for determining the frequency of the harmonic signals using a probabilistic-statistical method. The main feature of this algorithm is the short time of access to the signal under study and high accuracy of frequency measurement, which is essential for the infralow-frequency signals with a period of duration in minutes, hours, twenty-four hours and more. The information on the theory and computer modeling of the errors in the algorithm for determining the frequency of signals with harmonics is presented, as well as in relation to the harmonics with respect to the first fundamental harmonic of the signal under investigation when sampled by real analog-to-digital converters.
Keywords:signals, harmonics, digital processing, frequency, less than the period access time, stochastic sampling, error.
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Citation link: Zaitseva I. Estimation of the errors of the algorithm of determining the frequency of harmonic signal with harmonics in a time less than the period, using stochastic sampling // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№09. -С. 15-19 |