Kundukhova Greek Ruslanivna (doctor of medical Sciences, head Department of endoscopy,
North–Caucasian Multidisciplinary Medical Center Ministry health of Russian Federation, Beslan
Dzugaeva Zalina Igorevna (Endoscopist, North–Caucasian Multidisciplinary Medical Center Ministry health of Russian Federation, Beslan)
Karsanov Alan Muharbekovich (candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor, North-Ossetian State Academy, Ministry of health of Russia)
Urtaev Roland Ahsarbekovich (candidate of medical Sciences, chief physician, North–Caucasian Multidisciplinary Medical Center Ministry health of Russian Federation, Beslan)
Fiberglass endoscopy has passed a long way of development and has turned into an independent clinical direction. Many problems and contradictions have accumulated in this industry. Imported equipment, tools and disinfectants make endoscopy one of the most expensive in health care. Contradictions between the basic documents in the organization of endoscopy (the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 222 of 31.05.1996 and the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP 3.1.3263-15) contribute to the violation of the epidemiological regime. In order to improve the quality and epidemiological safety in endoscopy, the authors developed an organizational platform for the endoscopic unit, coordinating the work of medical personnel with the calculation of the need for endoscopic equipment. The method of external checking by the controlling agencies on compliance of the sanitary-epidemiological regime in the endoscopic units of the health facility is suggested. A proposition of the method proposed by the authors was submitted for approval in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Keywords:quality standard, organization, endoscopy.
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Citation link: Kundukhova G. R., Dzugaeva Z. I., Karsanov A. M., Urtaev R. A. Modern standard of quality and epidemiological safety in endoscopy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№09. -С. 60-64 |