Kuprienko Victor Vladimirovitch (candidate of engineering sciences (PhD), docent, Orenburg State University)
The analysis of the behavior of relay protection devices in transient regimes has the practical interest. It is advisable to conduct such an analysis through mathematical modeling using computer technology. Transitional regime, accompanied by saturated core of current transformers and errors exceeding the standard level, seems to be the most important. A significant distortion of the shape of the secondary current relative to the shape of the primary short-circuit current is observed in this mode. That, in turn, is the cause of disturbances in the operation of relay protection. The technique of modeling the current transformer in saturation mode (including – deep) is considered in the article.
Keywords:current transformer, error, saturated core, relay protection, mathematical modeling.
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Citation link: Kuprienko V. V. Mathematical model of the current transformer // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№03. -С. 56-59 |