Bazanov Semyon Olegovich (FGBOU IN PSPbGMU them. academician I.P. Pavlov of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
The paper deals with modern methods and approaches to prosthetics of patients with low or destroyed clinically dental crowns. Quite topical today is the preservation of the teeth with destroyed crown part of the teeth or that such part lost. It is very important for milking in order to restore the broken unity of morphological and functional dentition. Accordingly, modern methods of treatment of patients with low or destroyed crowns are of particular interest today. This problem is widely covered in both domestic and foreign literature, the analysis of which indicates that there is no common opinion about the tactics of treatment of patients with the above pathologies, respectively, today is constantly searching for new methods of prosthetics of dental crowns in such patients.
Keywords:low tooth crown destroyed clinical crown of the tooth prosthesis.
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Citation link: Bazanov S. O. Modern methods and approaches to prosthetics of patients with low or destroyed clinical crowns of the teeth // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№05. -С. 145-148 |