Mun Vladimir (aspirant 2nd year, SPbEEU)
Company has a limited ways to attract financing on the early development stage. Venture funds are one of the most common ways to do it. However in Russia market of the venture investments is still on the growth stage. The main target of this paper is to try to figure out the possible barriers of development of venture capital funding in Russia. The author is considering that lack of understanding of funding process itself and ignorance of intangible assets that can bring a fund are among development barriers.
Keywords:Innovative development, entrepreneurship stvo, venture capital, financial assets
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Citation link: Mun V. Companies' innovational strategy based on venture funds: growth barriers // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2011. -№01. -С. 54-55 |