Kulikova Yulia Pavlovna (The applicant, State budget educational institution higher education, Moscow Region Finance and Technology Academy Moscow region, Korolev)
Today, the world clearly demonstrated complex patterns associated with the formation of "new" economy based on knowledge, one feature of which is the closest, large-scale and multi-integration of education, science and business, which is manifested both at the national level and in the process of globalization the world economy. World leading countries have managed during the XX century effectively integrate science, education and business (especially through the development of university systems, networks, etc.).
Keywords:Innovation, synergy, integration of education, science and business.
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Citation link: Kulikova Y. P. The quality management system and innovation policies of higher education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2012. -№03. -С. 15-17 |