Krivyakov Evgeny Vladimirovich (trainee-applicant, the Institute of State and Law)
This article explores some of the possible problems in the law of contract awards in the auction in respect of real estate in Moscow, associated with the transition to the federal contract system, as well as the reform of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the ways of solving these problems
Keywords:contracts concluded at the auction in respect of immovable property, the federal contract system, the reform of the civil law, the placement of state orders for state and municipal needs, the law of the city of Moscow on the contracts traded
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Citation link: Krivyakov E. V. Some problems in the improvement of legal regulation of contracts traded in respect of real estate in Moscow // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2012. -№08-09. -С. 63-67 |