Sapozhnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich (Ph.D.of the economic Sciences, Associate Professor of International Slavic Institute)
The causes of corruption in higher education - the general decline of morals, the real values are increasingly replaced by imaginary values. Formation and Development Corruption in higher education is facilitated by: imperfect legislation and gaps in the legal regulation in the field of education, the lack of a sequence of a systematic approach in the fight against corruption in the industry; opacity education system as a whole.
The main directions of activity of the anti-corruption law enforcement agencies in the field of education: the identification and control of the activities of organized criminal groups, carrying out extensive checks the validity and legality of the distribution and spending of budget funds, promoting the formation of a system of legislation to combat corruption in the industry.
Keywords:corruption, high school, the causes of corruption, anti-corruption, onnaya activities.
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Citation link: Sapozhnikov V. N. Analysis of the level of corruption in higher education as a demotivating factor // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2012. -№05-06. -С. 53-59 |