Volokhataya Viktoria Elfridovna (Kharkоv institute of banking of the University of banking of the National bank of Ukraine)
In the article the views of scientists to definition of «bank deposit» have been considered. The critical analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of its has been carried out. The definition of the concept of «bank deposit» has been improved. By this definition, six principles of attracting deposits have been added. Author of this article considers the principles of attracting deposits are: fee deposit, refunding of deposit, urgency of deposit, differentiation of deposit, security of deposit, targeted of deposit.
Keywords:deposits, principles of attracting deposits, fee deposit, refunding of deposit, urgency of deposit, differentiation of deposit, security of deposit, targeted of deposit
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Citation link: Volokhataya V. E. Critical analysis of approaches to the definition of "bank deposit" // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2013. -№07-08. -С. 47-50 |