Maramzin Anton Igorevich (Perm State Agricultural Academy)
Novikova Ksenia Vladimirovna (Perm State National Research University)
The article is dedicated to the problem of absence of agricultural products distribution market for small enterprises, personal subsidiary plots and farms under the conditions of modern tendency of overall production increase (as of on the example of real enterprise). The article suggests the variants of solution to the problem.
Keywords:distribution are, agricultural products’ producer, agricultural products’ processer, outsourcing, logistic center, logistic system.
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Citation link: Maramzin A. I., Novikova K. V. Problems of Perm region agricultural products distribution // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2013. -№07-08. -С. 23-24 |