Dmitrieva Nadezhda Alexandrovna (senior lecturer in the "Design and the humanities"
Samara Institute of the food industry and the business Razumovsky
The article considers the problem of efficiency of functioning of the university in modern conditions of instability of the environment. Describes the factors of the marketing environment functioning of the university and their influence on his work. The possibility of the application of the marketing mix in order to effectively build relationships with external marketing of the university environment and the corresponding adaptation of its internal environment.
Keywords:efficiency, operation, marketing management, marketing mix, marketing microsphere, marketing macrospheres.
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Citation link: Dmitrieva N. A. Socio-Economic aspects of the university // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2013. -№11. -С. 6-8 |