Mirzhakypova Sedep Toktamuratovna (Head of Department. "Accounting and Auditing"
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kazakh Economic
University KazEU
The main results of any organization are: the amount of borrowed funds, interest income, profit. The results of the activities of financial institutions is closely linked policy of financial security.
This article describes the problems depending financial security policies and performance of financial institutions are considered possible solutions to this problem.
Keywords:Financial security policy, commercial banks, financial results, risks, provisions, financial institutions, liquidity, reliability, financial results
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Citation link: Mirzhakypova S. T. Economic model based financial security policies and performance of financial institutions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2015. -№01-02. -С. 85-89 |