Bachurin D. G. (Ph. D. in Law, Tyumen State University)
The article offers a correlating hypothesis of the governmental form and
characteristics of the model of fiscal redistribution of property in the country. The final part proposes conclusions about the possibilities of the effectiveness increase of public administration in the area of budgetary allocation of VAT.
Keywords:Constitution of the Russian Federation, VAT, public administration system, intergovernmental distribution of VAT, federalism, GRP, form of government.
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Citation link: Bachurin D. G. Achieving financial sufficiency of territorial entities in Russia under circumstances of the inter-budgetary redistribution of VAT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2015. -№11-12. -С. 123-130 |