Nikitin Sergey Vadimovich ( working in the Vologda police in the tactical response team
the Regional Department of Home Affairs
special rank is major of police
The article provides an analysis of the identified organizational and legal factors determining the behavior of corruption in law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation at the present stage. These determinants are associated with deficiencies of such institutions as the Institute of service mentoring, appraisal, selection of the service, the institution of conflict of interest. In conclusion, it is concluded that the rule of law is among administrative law norms have great potential in the priority area of anti-corruption - its prevention.
Keywords:law-enforcement bodies, the determinants of corruption behavior, mentoring, appraisal, selection of the service, the settlement of a conflict of interest.
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Citation link: Nikitin S. V. Analysis of the organizational and legal determinants corrupt behavior in the internal affairs in the context of administrative and legal means of combating corruption // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№03. -С. 140-143 |