Egiyan Armine Movsesovna (PhD applicant of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Institute of Economics, Law and Computer Science)
the article analyzes the most significant forensic characteristics of mediation in bribery as a separate criminal act. It is emphasized that this crime represents a complex set of interrelated criminal acts, which determines its heightened social danger. The most relevant forensic characteristics of this type’s of crime qualification are the personality of the mediator, the manner of commission of mediation, its purposefully latent character. Based on the analysis of the complex forensic characteristics of mediation in bribery the need to create private methods of its investigation is confirmed.
Keywords:mediation in bribery, mediation in bribery types, forensic characteristic of the crime, the personality of the criminal.
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Citation link: Egiyan A. M. To the question of forensically relevant criteria of qualification of mediation in bribery as an independent offence // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№03. -С. 126-129 |