Glushkova Elena Mikhaylovna (Ural Institute of additional professional education "All-Russian State University of Justice (MOJ Russia RPA)" (Ekaterinburg))
the Author conducts a study of the essential definition of self-defense and its legality. The author notes that under the necessary defense means the lawful protection against socially dangerous encroachment by harm attacker. Finishing the description of the conditions of validity relating to the protection, the author concludes that it should be aimed at the protection of legally protected interests, and committed to the extent of necessity. In this case damage is caused to the encroaching interests.
Keywords:defense, defense, legitimate defense, violation, defense, legally protected interests and limits.
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Citation link: Glushkova E. M. Intrinsic definition of self-defense. The conditions of its legitimacy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№03. -С. 118-121 |