Maharramov Amil Mammadali (Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department of Economics and management, Baku State University)
Qasimov Azad Faiq (Baku State University, lecturer in the department of Economics and management)
The economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan - is the result of sound economic policies pursued over the last twenty years. Over the years in various sectors of the economy performed a lot of work. Leaders of the Azerbaijan Republic, has focused its attention and has mobilized its resources to reflect the development in the region’s economy. One of the factors standing at the heart of economic development, foreign investment is in the direction of the economy. Foreign investments are presented in various sectors of the Azerbaijani economy. Along with all this, the work that should be carried out in the direction of attracting foreign investment in the oil sector has not yet been completed. The article was an attempt to briefly examine all these aspects.
Keywords:economy, foreign investment, the non-oil sector, Azerbaijan
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Citation link: Maharramov A. M., Qasimov A. F. View on the dynamics of foreign investments allocated to the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№05. -С. 37-40 |