Borisevich Mikhail Mikhailovich (Ph.D., head of "Public and civil discipline"
Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering
this article examines the main approaches to understanding information functions of the state and historical moment of its emergence in the system of state functions, it justifies the preference of the consideration of this function as it is information and communication in modern processes of disintegration and atomization of society, and suggests some ways of development of the feedback system for the transmission of information from the public to the government.
Keywords:information function of the state, information and communicative function of the state, the emergence of information and communication functions of the state, electors ' mandates.
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Citation link: Borisevich M. M. The implementation of information and communication functions of the state: problems and solutions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№05. -С. 133-136 |