Perchuk (Kabalina) Marina Yurievna (graduate student of the
Plekhanov Russian University of Economic
The role innovations in socio-economic transformation is a critical component in the strategy of development Russia and its regions. Innovations attract investors and consumers, increase productivity, increase the income of enterprises, provide the basis for creating competitive advantages the region and the country as a whole. Therefore, the focus on innovative development economy will contribute to the creation of conditions for transition to a qualitatively new stage of sustainable growth of production.
The paper discusses the nature, types and strategy development of innovative activity, but also identified problems its formation. According to the Strategy of innovative development till 2020 it has been established that in Russia at the present stage of development it is necessary to follow the innovative-breakthrough scenario of economic recovery. It is necessary to solve important problems arising during the implementation of the chosen direction, such as: the search sources of funding, alternative state, the payment of scientific workers and staff engaged in research and development, innovative infrastructure, adaptation of new innovative processes in modern conditions.
Keywords:innovation, strategy, models, problems of innovative development.
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Citation link: Perchuk (Kabalina) M. Y. Innovation as a priority in science and economics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№08. -С. 28-33 |