Khamov Alexey Jurievich (Postgraduate student of the Moscow state University M. V. Lomonosov )
The article is devoted such special methods of protection of rights as a participant of shared construction and surety bail. The author conducted a legal analysis of the collateral, the collateral terms and warranties in relation to the studied relations. The estimation of the effectiveness of collateral and guarantees when unscrupulous actions of the developer, as well as the foreclosure of the land and construction in progress, constituting the collateral. Analyzes the opinions of scientists investigated the issue, proposed changes in legislation.
Keywords:Special methods of protection of participants of shared construction, surety for the obligations of the developer, pledge of lease rights to land, foreclose on the mortgaged property.
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Citation link: Khamov A. J. The pledge and the guarantee as ways to protect the rights of participatory construction // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№02. -С. 89-93 |