Gribov V. D. (Dr.Sc., Prof., Moscow Polytech University)
Kamchatnikov G. V. (Moscow Polytech University)
This article describes the integration of science, education and business in the process of Russia’s transition to an innovative path of development. Examples of effective acting innovative integrated structures are given, problems of development of integration of science, universities and business in Russia are considered.
Keywords:integration of science, education, business, innovation, integrated innovation structures, clusters, small innovative enterprises, financing innovation.
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Citation link: Gribov V. D., Kamchatnikov G. V. Integration of science, education and business as the main direction of innovative development of Russian economy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№04. -С. 15-18 |