Kondakova Yuliya Vasilevna (Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Ural State University of Architecture and Arts)
It is necessary to categorically determine the legal distinction between the heterodox communities and totalitarian sects. Setting legal standards will establish realistic ways to protect society from the aggression of totalitarian sects, while creating a climate of toleration and understanding in the public attitude towards unorthodox movements, also protecting the Right of Freedom of Religion.
Keywords:law, tolerance, toleration, freedom of religion, sect, extremism.
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Citation link: Kondakova Y. V. The limits of freedom of conscience: the problems of ethics and law // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№05. -С. 89-92 |