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Optimization of expenditures on providing activity of clinic diagnostic laboratory of budget medicines and preventive institutions with the use of outsourcing technologies

Gladkov Kirill Vladimirovich  (graduate student, Moscow State Medical-Stomatological University named Evdokimova)

The article presents a theoretical and methodical approach to optimizing the expenditures of budgetary medical and preventive institutions on the basis of calculating the potential economic benefits of using outsourcing technologies. In addition, the article outlines other areas of financial optimization of the activities of budgetary treatment and prevention institutions using various modern management technologies.

Keywords:Outsourcing, budget, medical and preventive institutions, clinical diagnostic laboratory, costs, optimization, cost management.


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Citation link:
Gladkov K. V. Optimization of expenditures on providing activity of clinic diagnostic laboratory of budget medicines and preventive institutions with the use of outsourcing technologies // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№07. -С. 48-54
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