Ignatyev Stanislav Valeryevich (Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor,Moscow state Institute of international relations
The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
The specifics of the economic mentality of Russia are singled out, the essence of this economic category in the regional aspect is specified. The necessity of filling with the new content of economic interests and motives of behavior of all subjects of interaction in the process of functioning of the economy, enriching the forms of their manifestation for the implementation of the strategy of intensive economic growth is shown.
Keywords:mentality, specificity, features of the Russian economy, strategic development
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Citation link: Ignatyev S. V. Economic mentality as a factor of implementation of the strategy for intensive economic growth // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№08. -С. 16-21 |