Chebykina M. V. (Samara University, Samara, Russia)
Shatalova T. N. (Samara University, Samara, Russia)
the expediency of distinguishing between the concept of "innovation" and "innovation" is justified; the basic properties and functions of innovation are explored; systematized the basic approaches to the definition of innovation.
Keywords:innovation, innovation processes, innovation functions, objective-utilitarian approach, process-utilitarian approach
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Citation link: Chebykina M. V., Shatalova T. N. Systematic classification of scientific approaches to the definition of innovation, taking into account the functional scope and target orientation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№11. -С. 34-37 |