Lebedev Konstantin Anatolyevich (Dr.Econ.Sci., professor, Institute of tourism and hospitality (Moscow) (branch) FGBOOU WAUGH "The Russian state university of tourism and service")
The questions of development of national market of hotel services are considered. It is established, that market mechanisms and state control system provide formation of organizational-administrative bases of hotel affair as making control system of territory and industry of tourism. It is proved, that owing to such interactions clusters of hospitableness, and level are formed influences not only on hierarchy of the centers of hospitableness, but also their typification.
Keywords:market, tourism, service, means of accommodation, hospitableness, management, economy, economy, enterprise.
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Citation link: Lebedev K. A. Development of national market hotel services // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№11. -С. 19-23 |