Danilova Elena Vladimirovna (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Docent, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University)
Semenova Ariadna Gavrilevna (Candidate of Political Sciences, Docent, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University)
Russian Far East is a land that occupies more than a third of the country's territory, has rich mineral deposits, which have great geopolitical significance for the country. In the new economic conditions – crisis and Western sanctions - Russia's regional policy has taken on a distinct eastern direction. The Ministry of Development of the Far East was established. Russia pursues the goal of integration with the Pacific Rim countries.
Dozens of legislative and policy documents, development strategies were adopted for the study period with a goal to develop the Far East. Hundreds of billions of rubles were spent on implementation of projects and activities. However, problems of the Far East were not solved. These problems are: commodity-based economy, disproportions in economy development, transport and infrastructural limitations, outflow of population and migration problems, financial dependence on the federal center, isolation from central regions. In the rating of Russian regions on the quality of life, the regions of the Far East occupy the last places.
This requires significant changes in Russia's regional policy. The country must be single whole. Development of territories must be linked to the goals and objectives of development of the entire country.
Keywords:Far East, Far East Federal District, Baikal region, regional policy, GRP per capita, quality of life.
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Citation link: Danilova E. V., Semenova A. G. Eastern direction in regional policy of Russia // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№12/2. -С. 9-13 |