Gruzina Yulia Mihajlovna (PhD, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Masino Mstislav Nikolaevich (PhD, Associate Professor, Bank expert)
Important aspect of payment process are financial risks to which its participants and also their clients and other interested persons are exposed. In many Russian payment service providers activities for risk management are conducted.
Results of the conducted researches received within the research work performed at the expense of budgetary funds on the State task of the Financial university of 2017 on a subject are presented in article: "Risk analysis of systemically significant payment service providers".
Conclusions are drawn that activities for risk management of payment service provider, not always result in uninterrupted operation of functioning of the relevant payment service provider. It is shown that in many respects it is connected with wrong perception of essence of risk in payment service providers and (or) conscious use of the approach applied at management of bank risks.
Keywords:payment service provider, financial technologies, risk management in payment service provider, a risk management
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Citation link: Gruzina Y. M., Masino M. N. Comparative analysis of approaches to risk management of payment service providers of various level // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№02. -С. 9-14 |