Naumkin V. (Khakassian State University named after Katanov N.F. (Abakan))
The article examines the state of financial leasing in the Russian Federation and its use by small enterprises. Leasing is a promising financial source. In an economic downturn, research on the leasing potential is of practical importance. The goal is to analyze the use of financial leasing by small enterprises. To achieve this goal, the basis of system analysis, economic-statistical and logical methods considered the dynamics of the cost of leasing and its relationship with other borrowed funds. Negative features and advantages of using leasing by small enterprises as a source of financial resources were singled out.
Keywords:small business, sources of financial resources, leasing.
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Citation link: Naumkin V. Financial leasing as a source of financial resources for small businesses // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№03. -С. 107-109 |