Kumar Adjay (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
Kireev Vasiliy Sergeevich (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
In modern conditions of growing global competition, crisis phenomena in the global financial and political sphere, the creation of the development of innovative industries in Russia, new competitive technologies is a key issue. One of the actual directions of innovative activity of the Russian enterprises is the market of civil nuclear technologies. This work is devoted to the expert evaluation of the prospects of the Russian nuclear medicine market. The analysis of the materials of the structured interview with experts revealed the main drivers, problems, barriers and market trends. On the basis of a qualitative study of the market development prospects, the formation and comparison of scenarios for the development of the Russian nuclear medicine market were made. The method used in the study is based on the review of secondary sources on this topic carried out earlier by the authors. The article presents the data of static processing of expert opinions, describes the scenarios of the market under study, as well as their interpretation. In addition, the directions of the use of the results obtained by the authors are determined.
Keywords:nuclear medicine, nuclear industry, expert evaluation, market analysis, industrial economics, innovative medicine.
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Citation link: Kumar A. , Kireev V. S. The expert evaluation of the future development of Russian nuclear medicine market // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№06. -С. 45-50 |