Zheldasheva A. O. (Kabardino-Balkarian state university of H.M. Berbekov", Nalchik, Russian Federation)
In the real work unambiguous resolvability of a regional task for the parabolo-hyperbolic equation of the second order with explosive conditions of interface is investigated. Existence of the decision is established by a reduction method to a question of resolvability of the corresponding integrated equation of Fredholm, and at the proof of uniqueness of the decision the method of integrals of energy is used.
Keywords:regional task; the equation of the mixed type; explosive conditions of interface; integrated equation; method of integrals of energy.
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Citation link: Zheldasheva A. O. Regional task for parabolo-giperbolicheskogo of the equation of the second order with explosive conditions of interface // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2016. -№03. -С. 5-8 |