Borisevich Mikhail Mikhailovich (Ph.D., head of "Public and civil discipline"
Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering
this article investigates the problem of building a civil society in modern Russia. Discusses the reasons for the popularity of modern science and social practice the concept of civil society, identifies the main approaches to its understanding. The author's typology, suggesting a differentiation on constructive civil society and destructive of civil society, the role and potential of each concept of civil society to improve relationships between state and civil society in the Russian Federation.
Keywords:civil society, strong state, a constructive type of civil society, the destructive type of civil society, an open society, "abstract society".
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Citation link: Borisevich M. M. What kind of civil society in Russia is preferable? // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2016. -№04. -С. 38-41 |