Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna (grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, senior researcher of the Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University)
Work motivation is the process of filling the stimulus meanings contained in the performance or attributed to her. Work motivation is a leading factor in the effectiveness and life satisfaction. Coordination of the organization's goals and individual goals of employees, the assignment un individualized of the organization's goals, coordination of motives activity, accounting organization of individual requests and requirements of its members are carried out through the development and use of norms of the organization.
Keywords:motives, professionalism, career.
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Citation link: Arpentieva M. R. Motives for labor // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№01-02. -С. 67-70 |