Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna (grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University)
The relevance of the themes of the Anna article due to the fact that the interest to victimization behavior in our country and abroad is quite high. Vio-lence becomes the measure of social “development” increasingly frequent and varied, and people's need for preserving individual freedoms and privacy and security - is growing.
Therefore, this article describes the main methods of protection and prevention of situations of sexual violence in different situations
Keywords:victimization, violence, sacrifice, personal freedom, security of the person.
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Citation link: Arpentieva M. R. Victimization: ways of protection and prevention of situations of sexual violence // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№05-06. -С. 21-26 |